


The future describe
unexpected events.

Image you don’t remember the biggest event of your life, you have no one to share it with, and few people can relate to you or have experienced this event.

This injury has left a huge, empty hole in my life, with no clue how to fill.

My future health is unknown. If the past five years are used for reference, the healing will be too slow to measure and there will be unexpected struggels. I lost my balance, fell and hit my head against the wall needing more physical therapy. I also stopped one of my many leg exercises, and my knee became weaker, again needing therapy. And I struggle with dizziness.

As my confidence grows, my desire to accomplish more, earn a living and be in a relationship also grows. I don’t what I can expect but I do believe there will be frustration and disappointment ahead.

I still fell as if I’m lost in the woods with few resources to find myself.