Week Five

TBI Healing Art: Week Five

Week Five



Two small foci increased density again idenified in the left basal ganglia and just lateral to the head of the caudate nucleus on the left in the periventricular white matter. The one in the caudate nuecleus now measures 11x7mm, which is minimally larger than on previous exam. The other focus measures about 4x4mm which is about the same as previously. There is very minimal surounding edema.

Hperdensity at the level of the the head of the caudate nucleus on the right that was seen previously is now slightly visable. It was not present on the study of 7/20, but was seen on 7/19, probably due to slice selection.

No midline shift is identified. There are no new areas of attenuation abnormality.

Multiple right-sided facial fractures again noted.

End of Diagnostic Report.


(All notes written by therapists)

Tuesday, August 16

11:30 am Phychologist came to visit. Ken is reporting feeling nauseous today and dizzy. He’s talking about some troubling dreams, but O.K.

11:45 am – Speech Updated your schedule.

2:30 O.T.

Exercises: Use hand helper
(10 squeezes per hour)

Do not overdo it so you avoid fatiguing your hand.

– Slide arm out on table and back (put towel under forearm for this exercise) 10 times per hour.

– Big windshield wiper exercise(towel under arm) Arm straight at elbow. move in arc. 10 times per hour.

Monday, August 22

Speech- worked with words. repeating and recall of word list.

PT – walked with a cane- didn’t fall “ha, ha”
walked in the hall to back of gym

11:30 – Speech Therapy: Talked about memory stratagies.

Lunch and Rest In Room

2:00pm Speech
– visual puzzles
– thinking

3:00pm – PT

Did great job today. Walked back to room with no stops.