Brain Injury Blog

How will I recover from a Traumatic Brain Injury?
I ask that question all the time since my injury over ten years ago and haven’t found an answer. Physical therapy and exercise have made some improvement, but it hasn’t resolved the nerve damage.
My health needs are always there, it’s like swatting mosquitoes at the lake shore.

I made this brain injury blog so I could share my life of challenges with other TBI survivors, their family and friends. People who can identify with me, understand the struggles and find confirmation of themselves as I have when reading personal brain injury stories. I’m always surprised to hear that other people are going through the same thing as me.

In addition to this blog, you will find my brain injury story, the twenty-six “Healing Images” I finished a few years after my injury and photographs I made before my injury, listed in the “Sight Menu” above.

Brain Injury Blog
Pekka Halonen,  writing man 1928 (detail)

I’d like to write positive blog posts about my TBI recovery, but that didn’t happen, I believe few people have had that experience. What I will write a realistic, practical blog describing the unpleasant difficulties and the few pleasant moments while healing from a traumatic brain injury.
My recovery has been slow and tedious, this is typical unfortunately, happily we are different and our brain injuries are different.

The first thing I want to do is list the basic symptoms of a traumatic brain injury. These may be obvious, but we’re not always aware of them and there are many. They my not apply to everyone, but to some extent they have all made my life difficult.


Remember that the following blog posts were written by a TBI survivor who is learning as he writes the blogs. The writing is simple, they convey the difficulties I have thinking and expressing my thoughts. I often repeat myself since the same complication may occur with different symptoms. I continue to revise the blog posts so they are easier to read, more descriptive. My most difficult struggles are described in the blogs posts at the top, there are more listed in the “Blog Archives”.

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